Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Bulletin: 2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin Program: Physics Minor Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Physics Minor

Pott College of Science, Engineering and Education >> Geology and Physics 

24 hours

Required Courses (13 hours)


Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHYS 205 - Intermediate Physics I

USI Core 39: Natural Science with Lab (BA and BS)

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 5
PHYS 205L - Intermediate Physics I Laboratory
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 0
PHYS 206 - Intermediate Physics II

USI Core 39: Natural Science with Lab (BA and BS)

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 5
PHYS 206L - Intermediate Physics II Laboratory
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 0
PHYS 371 - Analytical Mechanics

USI Core 39: Ways of Knowing-Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry

Term(s) Offered: Spring
Credits: 3

Elective Courses (11 hours)

Select 11 hours of upper-level physics coursework, as directed by advisor.
