Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Bulletin: 2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin Program: Industrial Supervision Major, B.S. Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Industrial Supervision Major, B.S.

Pott College of Science, Engineering and Education >> Engineering 

The Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Supervision is a practical degree program designed to prepare graduates for challenging careers in manufacturing with a curriculum that includes both technical and business courses. The program requires a solid foundation in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and liberal studies as well as the technical/business core. A total of 120 semester hours are required in this degree program. Eleven hours of mathematics including manufacturing statistics and survey of calculus, and twelve hours of chemistry and physics are required. All Industrial Supervision students must also complete the University Core requirements.

An Industrial Supervision student can complete the program in four years provided they enter USI prepared to successfully complete MATH 118 (Comprehensive Pre-Calculus) in their first semester. Those students who do not enter the program ready for MATH 118 will take an additional four to ten hours of mathematics courses necessary to raise their mathematical abilities to a required level.

In accordance with the University’s transfer policy (found in the undergraduate admission requirements and regulations section), the faculty of the engineering department examine on a case-by-case basis the transcripts of students transferring from other institutions. A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for all TECH and engineering courses that a student takes as part of their program of study.

Petition for permission to waive any program requirements must be approved by the chair of the engineering department. After admission into the program, required technical courses may be taken at another institution for transfer of credit only when approved in advance by both the student’s advisor and the department chair.

Core 39

The core curriculum at USI, Core 39, offers students at our institution an outstanding opportunity to have a well-rounded education.  Some of the choices within Core 39 are limited for engineering majors in order to fulfill program needs.  Courses within Core 39 that are required for Industrial Supervision majors:

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
UNIV 101 - First Year Experience

USI Core 39: Foundations-First Year Experience

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 1
CMST 101 - Introduction to Public Speaking for Communication in Foundations

USI Core 39: Foundations-Communication

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3
MATH 215 - Survey of Calculus for Mathematics in Foundations

USI Core 39: Foundations-Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3
ECON 208 - Principles of Microeconomics for Social Inquiry in Ways of Knowing

USI Core 39: Ways of Knowing-Social Inquiry; Social Science (BS)

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3
ECON 209 - Principles of Macroeconomics

USI Core 39: Social Science-BS

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3
PSY 201 - Introduction to Psychology for Social Science in Bachelor of Science

USI Core 39: Ways of Knowing-Social Inquiry; Social Science-BS

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3
PHIL 201 - Introduction to Ethics for Moral and Ethical Reasoning in Ways of Knowing

USI Core 39: Ways of Knowing-Moral and Ethical Reasoning; Embedded Experience-Diversity

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3
IME 331 - Introduction to Statistical Quality Control for Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry in Ways of Knowing

USI Core 39: Ways of Knowing-Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry

Term(s) Offered: Fall
Credits: 3
PHYS 175 - General Physics I for Natural Science with Lab in Bachelor of Science

USI Core 39: Natural Science with Lab (BA and BS)

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 4
CHEM 175 - Survey of Chemical Concepts for Natural Science in Bachelor of Science
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 4

Students will have the option of selecting from available courses for one additional Ways of Knowing course and one World Language and Culture course in Bachelor of Science.  Students must ensure that they fulfill their global embedded experience with one of these two choices.  Students are highly encouraged to take courses in United States History or Government, Literature, and Foreign Language to fulfill their Core 39 choices.  A total of 40 hours are earned in Core 39 due to the additional semester hour for CHEM 175.

First Year


Fall Semester (16 hours)


Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
ENG 101 - Rhetoric and Composition I: Literacy and the Self

USI Core 39: Foundations-Rhetoric and Composition I

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3
TECH 103 - Materials & Manufacturing Processes
Term(s) Offered: Fall
Credits: 3
MATH 118 - Comprehensive Pre-Calculus
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 5
KIN 192 - Concepts in Wellness and Fitness

USI Core 39: Foundations-Physical Activity and Wellness

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 1
ENGR 103 - Principles of Problem Solving
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
UNIV 101 - First Year Experience

USI Core 39: Foundations-First Year Experience

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 1

Spring Semester (16 hours)


Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
CMST 101 - Introduction to Public Speaking

USI Core 39: Foundations-Communication

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3


PHYS 175 - General Physics I or

USI Core 39: Natural Science with Lab (BA and BS)

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 4
PHYS 205 - Intermediate Physics I

USI Core 39: Natural Science with Lab (BA and BS)

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 5


MATH 215 - Survey of Calculus or

USI Core 39: Foundations-Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3
MATH 230 - Calculus I

USI Core 39: Foundations-Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 4


TECH 121 - CAD Fundamentals
Term(s) Offered: Spring
Credits: 3
ENGR 104 - Applied Problem Solving
Term(s) Offered: Spring
Credits: 3

Second Year


Fall Semester (15 hours)


Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHYS 176 - General Physics II or

USI Core 39: Natural Science with Lab (BA and BS)

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 4
PHYS 206 - Intermediate Physics II

USI Core 39: Natural Science with Lab (BA and BS)

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 5


ACCT 201 - Accounting Principles I
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3
TECH 261 - Fundamentals of Instrumentation
Term(s) Offered: Spring
Credits: 3
TECH 275 - Statistics and Safety in Manufacturing
Term(s) Offered: Fall
Credits: 3
ENG 201 - Rhetoric and Composition II: Literacy and the World

USI Core 39: Foundations-Rhetoric and Composition II

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3

Spring Semester (16 hours)


Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
BCOM 231 - Business Communication

USI Core 39: Embedded Experience-Writing

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3


CHEM 175 - Survey of Chemical Concepts or
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 4
CHEM 261 - General Chemistry I

USI Core 39: Natural Science with Lab (BA and BS)

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 4


TECH 272 - Robotics
Term(s) Offered: Spring
Credits: 3
ACCT 202 - Accounting Principles II
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3
ECON 208 - Principles of Microeconomics

USI Core 39: Ways of Knowing-Social Inquiry; Social Science (BS)

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3

Third Year


Fall Semester (15 hours)


Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
ENGR 382 - SCADA Systems Design
Term(s) Offered: Fall
Credits: 3
TECH 351 - Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
Term(s) Offered: Fall
Credits: 3
PSY 201 - Introduction to Psychology

USI Core 39: Ways of Knowing-Social Inquiry; Social Science-BS

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3
TECH 362 - Manufacturing
Term(s) Offered: Fall
Credits: 3
IME 331 - Introduction to Statistical Quality Control

USI Core 39: Ways of Knowing-Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry

Term(s) Offered: Fall
Credits: 3

Spring Semester (15 hours)


Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
ENGR 335 - Engineering Economics
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
TECH 343 - Fluid Power Technology
Term(s) Offered: Spring
Credits: 3
TECH 367 - Advanced Manufacturing
Term(s) Offered: Spring
Credits: 3
ECON 209 - Principles of Macroeconomics

USI Core 39: Social Science-BS

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3
PHIL 201 - Introduction to Ethics

USI Core 39: Ways of Knowing-Moral and Ethical Reasoning; Embedded Experience-Diversity

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3

Fourth Year


Fall Semester (15 hours)


Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
ENGR 482 - Engineering Organization and Management
Term(s) Offered: Summer
Credits: 3
TECH 401 - Work Cell and Production Systems Design
Term(s) Offered: Fall
Credits: 3
DSCI 445 - Operations Management
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
MNGT 305 - Principles of Management
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3
  • Ways of Knowing Elective  Credits: 3
  • Spring Semester (12 hours)


    Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    TECH 471 - Senior Project

    USI Core 39: Embedded Experience-Writing

    Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
    Credits: 3
    TECH 411 - Materials
    Term(s) Offered: Spring
    Credits: 3
  • TECH/IME Business Elective*  Credits: 3
  • World Languages and Culture (Bachelor of Science) Elective Credits: 3
  • *PROGRAM NOTE:  TECH/IME Business elective can be any 200 level or higher TECH, IME, or Business course
