Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Bulletin: 2025-2026 Undergraduate Bulletin Program: Elementary Education Major, B.A./ B.S. Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Elementary Education Major, B.A./ B.S.

Pott College of Science, Engineering and Education >> Teacher Education department 

The program in Elementary Education will successfully prepare candidates with concentration in both professional education and pedagogy and content area expertise. Building upon the general education provided in the Core 39, candidates will be given the opportunity to learn and demonstrate developmentally appropriate literacy practices; differentiated instructional practices with special attention to English as a New Language and exceptional needs; classroom and behavior management processes; data-based curriculum, instruction, and assessment strategies; and developmentally and culturally responsive practices that utilize a variety of instructional technologies. The candidate who desires to become an elementary school educator will complete the following program requirements resulting in a Bachelor of Science. (Note: A Bachelor of Arts degree is available but the number of credits may exceed 120 hours.)

Teaching Major Grade & GPA Requirement

Students completing a teaching major must earn at least a 2.75 cumulative GPA, a 2.75 major GPA, and a grade of C or better in all courses applied toward degree requirements.

Elementary Education Core 39 Requirements (41 hours)

Within Core 39, elementary education majors are required to complete specific courses as indicated in the chart below to meet content requirements for licensure in the elementary school setting (K-6).

Foundations (14 hours)

  Composition I ENG 101 - Rhetoric and Composition I: Literacy and the Self  3 hours
  Composition II ENG 201 - Rhetoric and Composition II: Literacy and the World  3 hours
  Communication Choose one of: 3 hours
    CMST 101 - Introduction to Public Speaking   or  
    CMST 107 - Introduction to Interpersonal Communication   
  Mathematics Any Core 39 approved Foundations Mathematics course 3 hours
  Physical Activity and Wellness KIN 192 - Concepts in Wellness and Fitness  1 hour
  FYE USI 101 - Soar to Success  1 hour

Civic and Cultural Awareness (13 hours) - 4 Categories of Ways of Knowing

  Historical Inquiry  Choose one of: 3 hours
    HIST 101 - The United States to 1877   
    HIST 102 - The United States since 1877   
  Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry  MATH 203 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II   4 hours
    (Note: MATH 103 is a prerequisite)  
  Social Inquiry EDUC 221 - Diversity and Equity in Education  3 hours
  Creative & Aesthetic Expression
or World Languages & Culture
Choose one course from either category
(must be a unique prefix)
3 hours

Bachelor of Science (14 hours)

  World Language and Culture GEOG 330 - World Geography  3 hours
  Natural Science with Lab BIOL 108 - Biology for Educators  AND 4 hours
    GEOL 108 - Earth-Space Science for Educators   
  Natural Science with Lab CHEM 108 - Chemistry for Educators   AND 4 hours
    PHYS 108 - Physics for Educators   
  Social Science Social Science Elective 3 hours
  Students may pursue a BA degree by completing modern language courses (ARAB/CHIN/FREN/GERM/JPN/LATN/SPAN) 101, 102, 203, and 204.  For a BA degree, GEOG 330 and the social science elective may be omitted.  However the 8 hours of science is still required.

Embedded Experiences (in core, major, and/or elective courses)

  Diversity EDUC 221 - Diversity and Equity in Education   
  Global EDUC 381 - Language, Literacy, and Culture   
  Writing EDUC 221 - Diversity and Equity in Education   AND  
    EDUC 458 - Seminar in Professional Education   

Other Content Requirements (8 hours)

In addition to Core 39, candidates are required to complete the following content courses for licensure in the elementary school setting (K-6).

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PET 287 - Physical Education and the Elementary School Classroom Teacher
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 2
MATH 103 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3

Choose one of:

HIST 111 - World Civilizations I, Beginnings to 1500

USI Core 39: Ways of Knowing-Historical Inquiry, Embedded Experience-Global

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3
HIST 112 - World Civilizations II, 1500-Present

USI Core 39: Ways of Knowing-Historical Inquiry, Embedded Experience-Global

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3

Elementary Education Requirements - 60 hours

In addition to the Core 39 and content requirements, candidates are required to complete the following professional education courses for licensure in the elementary school setting (K-6).

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
EDUC 203 - Introduction to Children’s Literature
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
EDUC 206 - Introduction to Exceptionalities
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3
EDUC 214 - Instructional Technology in Education
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
EDUC 246 - Foundations of Literacy
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
EDUC 292 - Explorations in Elementary Education
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
EDUC 354 - Practicum in Elementary Education
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
EDUC 373 - Teaching Science in the Elementary School
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
EDUC 378 - Introduction to Phonemic Awareness
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
EDUC 381 - Language, Literacy, and Culture

USI Core 39: Embedded Experience-Global

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
EDUC 382 - Elementary Analysis of Curriculum and Instruction
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
EDUC 388 - Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
MATH 392 - The Teaching of Elementary School Mathematics
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
EDUC 398 - Reading Methods
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
EDUC 413 - Exceptional Needs Instructional Strategies I
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
EDUC 437 - Classroom Management through Data-based Decision Making
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3
EDUC 493 - Language, Comprehension, and Writing
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
EDUC 458 - Seminar in Professional Education

USI Core 39: Embedded Experience-Writing

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
EDUC 471 - Supervised Student Teaching in Elementary Education
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3-9

Content Area Minor Requirement

The elementary education major requires completion of a content area teaching minor.  Any content area teaching minor approved by an advisor may fulfill this requirement.  However, only the Reading - Teaching Minor can be completed within 120 credit hours. Other available options that may exceed 120 credit hours include: 

  • Mathematics Teaching Minor, Elementary School (121 hours)
  • Science Teaching Minor for Elementary Education (123 hours)
  • Social Science Teaching Minor for Elementary Education or Junior High/Middle School (121 hours)

Check with your advisor for other possibilities.
