Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Bulletin: 2025-2026 Undergraduate Bulletin Program: Art Major, Photography Concentration, B.A./B.S. Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Art Major, Photography Concentration, B.A./B.S.

College of Liberal Arts >> Art and Design department 

The Photography concentration provides students with a thorough photographic education that encompasses both technical and conceptual pictorial concerns. Students establish a comprehensive understanding of the photographic medium through the study of analog and digital processes, while bolstering critical thinking and communication skills in a series of studio electives and required coursework.

54 hours; 2.0 major GPA required

A maximum of two (2) classes with a grade less than a C may be applied to the major/concentration.

Art Major, Art & Design Foundations (18 hours)

All Art majors (BA, BS, and BFA) in all concentrations take the foundation program to give them a general understanding of all the varied media and disciplines.

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
ART 103 - Two-Dimensional Design
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
ART 104 - Three-Dimensional Design (Core 39: Ways of Knowing/Creative and Aesthetic Expression)

USI Core 39: Ways of Knowing-Creative and Aesthetic Expression

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
ART 105 - Drawing I
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
ARTD 102 - Introduction to Digital Media
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
ARTH 221 - Art History I (Core 39: Ways of Knowing/Historical Inquiry)

USI Core 39: Ways of Knowing-Historical Inquiry

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3
ARTH 222 - Art History II (Core 39: Diversity Embedded Experience)

USI Core 39: Ways of Knowing-Creative and Aesthetic Expression; Embedded Experience-Diversity

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3

Art Major (BA/BS), Digital Core (12 hours)

A variety of courses that explore the foundations of the digital areas offered in the department. These courses should be taken in the 2nd year of study.

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
ARTD 231 - Introduction to Graphic Design
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
ARTD 332 - Digital Illustration
Term(s) Offered: Fall
Credits: 3
ARTD 381 - Interactive Web Design
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
ARTP 221 - Introduction to Digital Photo Imaging

USI Core 39: Ways of Knowing-Creative and Aesthetic Expression

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3

Art Major (BA/BS), Upper-level Art History Electives (6 hours)

Choose 2 of the following classes:

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
ARTH 323 - Ancient Greek Art
Term(s) Offered: Every third fall/spring semester
Credits: 3
ARTH 327 - Medieval Art
Term(s) Offered: Every third fall/spring semester
Credits: 3
ARTH 335 - Asian Art

USI Core 39: Embedded Experience-Global; Embedded Experience-Writing

Term(s) Offered: Every third fall/spring semester
Credits: 3
ARTH 343 - Renaissance Art

USI Core 39: Embedded Experience-Writing

Term(s) Offered: Every third fall/spring semester
Credits: 3
ARTH 344 - Baroque Art
Term(s) Offered: Every third fall/spring semester
Credits: 3
ARTH 353 - 19th Century Art
Term(s) Offered: Every third fall/spring semester
Credits: 3
ARTH 354 - 20th Century Art
Term(s) Offered: Every third fall/spring semester
Credits: 3
ARTH 355 - Contemporary Art
Term(s) Offered: Every third fall/spring semester
Credits: 3
ARTH 359 - Special Studies in Art History  (take as 3 credits)
Term(s) Offered: Irregularly offered
Credits: 1-3
ARTH 378 - History of Graphic Design
Term(s) Offered: Spring
Credits: 3
ARTH 390 - Select Topics in Art History
Term(s) Offered: Irregularly offered
Credits: 3
ARTH 490 - Special Problems in Art History
Term(s) Offered: Irregularly offered
Credits: 3

Photography Concentration (BA/BS), Required Courses (15 hours)

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
ARTP 211 - Introduction to Darkroom Photography
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
ARTD 494 - Senior Design Seminar

USI Core 39: Embedded Experience-Writing

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3


Choose 3 of the following courses:

ARTP 311 - Advanced Darkroom Photography
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
ARTP 321 - Advanced Digital Photo Manipulation
Term(s) Offered: Fall
Credits: 3
ARTP 322 - Photography: Studio Lighting
Term(s) Offered: Irregularly offered
Credits: 3
ARTP 324 - Photography: Constructed Narratives
Term(s) Offered: Irregularly offered
Credits: 3
ARTP 331 - Video Art
Term(s) Offered: Spring
Credits: 3
ARTP 421 - Photography Now
Term(s) Offered: Irregularly offered
Credits: 3

Photography Concentration (BA/BS), Directed Elective (3 hours)

Choose one course (3 hours) with the prefix of ART (except ART 201), ARTD, or ARTP.
