Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Bulletin: 2025-2026 Undergraduate Bulletin Program: Individualized Studies, B.P.S. Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Individualized Studies, B.P.S.

College of Liberal Arts >> Professional Studies department 

33 hours

The Bachelor of Professional Studies (BPS) degree program is designed to serve students who wish to pursue a broadly defined and/or individually designed baccalaureate program. The flexibility of the BPS degree will enable students to tailor educational experiences to meet personal goals, broaden their appreciation of the arts and sciences, enhance career skills and competencies, and increase career opportunities and choices.

BPS students who select individualized studies will work closely with an advisor to design a program of study to meet individual educational and career objectives. This flexible program enables students to create their own “major,” utilizing courses from two or more academic disciplines. Previous hours earned at other institutions will be evaluated according to USI transfer policies.

BPS Degree Requirements

  • All University general admission requirements, academic policies, and academic standards for other baccalaureate degree programs apply to the BPS program.
  • For technical degrees and/or certificates not eligible for transfer credit, Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Credit may be awarded through a Portfolio Review. The amount of credit awarded will be determined and approved by a PLA Portfolio Review Committee and the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts.

Required Courses (9 credits)

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PRFS 301 - The Ethics of Global Engagement

USI Core 39: Ways of Knowing-Moral and Ethical Reasoning; Embedded Experience-Global; Embedded Experience-Writing

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3
PRFS 401 - Teams, Diversity, and Leadership

USI Core 39: Embedded Experience-Diversity

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Summer
Credits: 3
PRFS 498 - Personal and Professional Development

USI Core 39: Embedded Experience-Writing

Term(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 3

Individualized Plan of Study (24 hours)

See your academic advisor to develop a plan of study.
