Mar 03, 2025  
2017 Fall Class Schedule 
2017 Fall Class Schedule [ARCHIVED PUBLICATION]

Miscellaneous University Offices and Services

Computer Labs

USI has over 1,000 up-to-date computers available for students to use located in Rice Library and throughout labs across the campus. For a listing of computer labs, hours, and software available, visit Rice Library also has laptops and tablets available for short-term checkout.

David L. Rice Library Fall Hours

Monday–Thursday, 7 a.m.–2:00 a.m. Saturday, 9 a.m.–9 p.m.
Friday, 7 a.m.–7 p.m. Sunday, Noon–2:00 a.m.

Reference is staffed, and archives open, fewer hours than these. Hours are subject to change; regular hours and holiday hours are posted in Rice Library and on the library’s web site at

Telephone Service

Telephone Services provides local and long distance service for students living in Residence Life. Voicemail is available to students living on campus, at an additional cost.

USI Campus Store

The USI Campus Store is located on the first level of the University Center West. Store hours while classes are in session are 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday (times subject to change without notice). 

Save time and avoid the lines—order your books online by visiting The Campus Store offers United Parcel Service (UPS) shipping for students who wish to have books sent to them. 

Students may return new or used texts for a refund during the first five (5) days of the semester. After that time, refunds will be granted only in the case of dropped classes. To receive a refund, a student must bring in the completed drop slip (processed by the Registrar’s Office) and the receipt, within five weeks from the first day of the term. 

Eagle Access Card Office

The University uses the Eagle Access Card as the identification (ID) card for students, staff, and faculty. In addition to being the ID card, the Eagle Access Card is a convenient, easy, and safe way to access products and services without carrying cash. By activating the declining balance feature of the card, you make your ID card a campus debit card as well. 

The Eagle Access Card Office is located in the University Center West. Eagle Access Card Office hours while classes are in session are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday (times subject to change without notice). 

Are You Registered to Vote?

If you are not registered to vote, visit the Voter Information page at at for information about now to register online and a list of University offices where a voter registration application is available.  

Counseling Center

It is normal for people to struggle at challenging times, and the Counseling Center is here to help. The Counseling Center offers individual therapy, group therapy and substance abuse assessments to currently enrolled students. All services are supported by tuition and student fees, and students do not need to pay extra to access counseling services. However, students found responsible for certain violations of the Code of Student Behavior may be charged an additional administrative fee for a Substance Use Assessment.

The Counseling Center is here to help USI students develop the personal awareness and skills necessary to overcome problems, make effective decisions and grow and develop in ways that will allow them to maximize their total educational experience at the University of Southern Indiana. The Counseling Center’s services are another form of learning whereby students learn how to relate effectively to others, understand and cope with emotions, set appropriate goals, make healthy decisions, resolve inner conflicts, develop independence and increase self-confidence. Through counseling and the various presentations and workshops that are offered, the Counseling Center helps students fulfill their hopes, dreams and potentials in their journey of life-long learning.

Students may call the Counseling Center at 812-464-1867 or stop by the office in the Orr Center, Room 1051, to make an appointment. Except in very limited circumstances, all information shared with counselors is kept private and confidential. Referrals are offered when students have needs that are beyond the role and/or scope of services available. Additional information and resources can be found on the Counseling Center’s website:

Disability Resources

USI students with documented disabilities, if they so choose, may receive accommodation assistance through Disability Resources. It is requested that students register at least 60 days prior to the date services are needed. More information is available at or at Disability Resources; Science Center Room 2206; phone 812-464-1961 or TDD 812-465-7072. 

Children’s Learning Center

Part-time and full-time care and education for children of USI faculty, staff, students, and community members is available Monday–Friday, 7 a.m.–5 p.m., for children ages two through five years. Visit or call 812-464-1869 for information. 

Summer Enrichment Camp

During the summer, part-time and full-time care for children of USI faculty, staff, students, and community members is available Monday–Friday, 7 a.m.–5:30 p.m., for school age children (ages five through twelve). Call the Division of Outreach and Engagement for enrollment information; 812-228-5022.

Noncredit Courses

The Division of Outreach and Engagement offers continuing education programs across a broad range of subject areas and formats. Personal growth and leisure activities, fitness/wellness programs, and specialized programming for children and retired persons are offered both on and off campus. Outreach and Engagement assists business professionals and organizations by offering workplace computer application and certification courses, leadership courses, programs for quality, project management, maintenance management, safety, and human resource professionals. Workplace contractual programs are available for area organizations. New schedules of public session courses are available in early January, early May, and late August each year from the Division of Outreach and Engagement, located in the University Center East; phone 812-464-1989 or 800-467-8600;; address email inquiries to: 

Service Learning Program

Service-Learning is a course-based experiential learning strategy. It engages students in meaningful and relevant service with a community organization, while using ongoing reflection to draw connections between the service and course content. Service-Learning provides students with the opportunity to apply classroom learning to real life situations, enhances academic learning and promotes civic responsiveness.

The Service Learning Program works with USI’s colleges, departments, and other programs to support these projects and ensure that the experiences benefit both students and the community. 

When viewing courses online via myUSI, sections that include a Service Learning component will be identified with a Service Learning “attribute.” To search for Service Learning courses, use the Look Up Classes feature under the Registration menu. Highlight the desired subject(s), select Service Learning from the list of attribute types, and submit. Any Service Learning course from the selected subject(s) will be displayed. To view all Service Learning courses, select all subjects from the list (highlight the first subject, scroll to the bottom of the list, then hold the Shift key down while clicking the last subject; all subjects will be highlighted), select the Service Learning attribute, and submit. All Service Learning courses will be displayed. 

The list of Service Learning courses offered each semester will continue to grow throughout the registration period as instructors integrate community projects in their courses. Visit for more information, including a current list of courses, or email 

Prepare today for a national scholarship competition

Visit and type Scholarship Opportunities in the search box to find:

  • advice on becoming a strong scholarship candidate
  • how to reach USI faculty mentors
  • general tips for scholarship seekers
  • who and how to ask for recommendations
  • interview tips and much more

Lucrative scholarships are often the most competitive. Help is available for USI students, regardless of major, who want to compete for prestigious scholarships. Graduate, undergraduate, and study abroad awards are all available.; Office of the Provost; 812-465-1617. 

Public Safety (Security) at USI

The University of Southern Indiana strives to create and maintain a safe and secure environment on all property owned, leased, or managed for official activities. This is achieved in part by providing a 24-hour campus public safety/security force and working closely with the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office, Indiana State Police, Perry Township Volunteer Fire Department, and other public safety agencies. In addition to campus protection, The Public Safety Department provides emergency medical response, a campus-wide emergency phone system, security escort service, disabled vehicle assistance, a lost and found, presentation of crime prevention/safety programs, emergency text messaging, and after-hour access to offices and/or residences. The Public Safety Department records and annually publishes statistics on crime and security issues, and provides timely warnings of crimes or incidents that may be considered a threat to the University community. 

Public Safety can be telephoned for non-emergency or emergency assistance at 812-464-1845. On-campus emergencies can be reported by dialing 812-492-7777 or campus extension 7777, or calling 9-911

Security Issues and Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

As required by the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act, the University of Southern Indiana advises its students, staff, faculty, and visitors that the Public Safety Department is responsible for the collection and distribution of all information relating to criminal activity that may occur on property it owns or leases for educational purposes. 

USI’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by USI; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters. 

The Public Safety Department is committed to assisting all members of the University In providing for their own safety and security. The 2015 annual security and fire safety document is available at Inquiries and requests for a copy of the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report may be directed to the Public Safety Department located in the Security Building; phone 812-464-1845.