This Registration Calendar includes dates for priority registration,
open registration, schedule changes, billing, and late registration
Spring 2019 |
Summer |
Summer |
Summer |
Priority Registration |
November 5-16 |
November 5-16 |
November 5-16 |
November 5-16 |
Open Registration;
schedule revisions |
Nov 17-Jan 4 * |
Nov 17-May 7 * |
Nov 17-June 9 * |
Nov 17-July 14 * |
Bills available* (myUSI);
bill due date |
ready Dec 10;
due Jan 25 |
ready May 10;
due May 25 |
ready June 10;
due June 25 |
ready July 10;
due July 25 |
Semester begins |
Monday, Jan 7 |
Wednesday, May 8 |
Monday, June 10 |
Monday, July 15 |
Late Registration* ($50 fee);
Schedule revision period |
Jan 7-11**
(bills due Jan 25) |
May 8-9**
(bills due May 25) |
June 10-11**
(bills due June 25) |
July 15**
(bills due July 25) |
* For students who register after the billing date, billing statements will be generated on the 10th of the month and due to the Bursar by the 25th of the month.
** System availability will end at 4:30 p.m. (Central Time) on the final day
Priority Registration for Spring 2019 is November 5-16
The purpose of the priority registration period is to let eligible students select courses prior to the beginning of the term. Once you complete priority registration, you will have reserved space in the classes for which you have registered. If you were not enrolled in spring 2018 or fall 2018, but have been enrolled previously, visit or the Registrar’s Office for undergraduate readmission (812-465-1157 or 800-467-1965, option #3); visit or the Graduate Studies office for graduate readmission (812-465-7015). New (incoming) undergraduate students must participate in Screaming Eagles Orientation prior to advising and registration; refer to the New Student Orientation and Registration section for details.
Eligible students register online via myUSI ( Priority registration begins at 8 a.m. on Monday, November 5, 2018, and progresses according to the schedule below. Students register according to the total of their earned plus currently enrolled hours, and are encouraged to register on their first day of eligibility.
- Eligible students register online, but are urged to first meet with their academic advisor to review their course selection. Contact your advisor to schedule an appointment (subject to availability).
- Many students [degree-seeking undergraduates with less than 30 earned hours (freshmen), students with a GPA less than 2.00, students from certain majors, etc.] will have a registration hold placed on their record and will be eligible for registration only after meeting with their academic advisor to review their course selection and remove the hold.
- Degree-seeking undergraduates should review their degree audit (through myUSI) prior to registration to check their progress toward degree completion and verify acceptable course options.
Login instructions and details about some of the myUSI menu options and functions used for registration, and an overview of myUSI, can be found in the Online Registration section.
Priority Registration schedule
Students should first meet with their academic advisor before registering. Contact the department of your major to inquire about office hours, advisor availability, and to schedule an appointment. If you’re unable to meet during regular office hours, please inquire about alternative advising options.
Day & Date |
Classification of Eligible Students |
Hours |
Name |
Monday, Nov 5 |
Degree-seeking Second and First Semester Seniors |
90 or more |
A-Z |
Continuing and readmission non degree-seeking undergraduates |
90 or more |
A-Z |
Continuing, readmission, and new Graduate Students |
A-Z |
Tuesday, Nov 6 |
Degree-seeking Second and First Semester Juniors |
60 or more |
A-Z |
Wednesday, Nov 7 |
Degree-seeking Second Semester Sophomores |
45 or more |
A-Z |
Thursday, Nov 8 |
Degree-seeking First Semester Sophomores |
30 or more |
A-Z |
Friday, Nov 9 |
Degree-seeking Second Semester Freshmen |
15 or more |
A-K |
Monday, Nov 12 |
Degree-seeking Second Semester Freshmen |
15 or more |
L-Z |
Tuesday, Nov 13 |
Degree-seeking First Semester Freshmen |
14 or less |
A-G |
Wednesday, Nov 14 |
Degree-seeking First Semester Freshmen |
14 or less |
H-O |
Thursday, Nov 15 |
Degree-seeking First Semester Freshmen |
14 or less |
P-Z |
Friday, Nov 16 |
Continuing and readmission non degree-seeking undergraduates
(89 or fewer hours) and any eligible students not yet enrolled |
A-Z |
If you cannot register on the assigned day, you may do so on any of the subsequent days.
New freshmen and transfer students register after completing Screaming Eagles Orientation .
High School Agreement students register during Open Registration.
New non degree-seeking students register during Open Registration.
Open Registration for Spring 2019
Open Registration is the period of time between Priority Registration and the beginning of the semester/term.
Students are encouraged to register at their earliest opportunity. Eligible students who did not take advantage of the November 5-16 priority registration period will have additional opportunities to register during the Open Registration period (refer to the Registration Calendar). Students should first meet with their academic advisor before registering. Contact the department of your major to inquire about office hours, advisor availability, and to schedule an appointment. If you’re unable to meet during regular office hours, please inquire about alternative advising options. Once advised, log on to myUSI to register for classes.
- If you anticipate receiving financial assistance to cover your fees, please register several days before the term’s billing date in order to allow time for the aid to appear on your account.
- Any registration that takes place on/after the first day of the course is considered a Late Registration and will incur a late registration fee ($50 or $150; see below).
New undergraduate freshmen and transfer students must participate in a Screaming Eagles Orientation program prior to registering for classes (refer to the New Student Orientation and Registration section). Through Orientation, you will become acquainted with the educational opportunities, facilities, and procedures at USI. During Orientation, you will work with an academic advisor who will assist you with course selection and registration for spring semester classes. The last Orientation program will be held on Thursday, January 3, 2019. After January 3, students still needing to complete the orientation requirement will do so by completing online orientation before registering for classes. To make a reservation for Orientation, complete online orientation, or if you have questions, visit; email; phone Student Development Programs at 812-465-7167 or 800-350-7830.
Graduate students must be deemed eligible by Graduate Studies and accepted to a graduate program by the close of business on the Friday prior to the start of the term in order to register for classes.
Schedule changes
Any student who is registered for a semester/term is eligible for online add/drops and withdrawals for that semester/term. If you need to make changes to your schedule of classes, you can do so online through myUSI through the first week of the semester (refer to the Online Registration section for web processing details). You also may do so in person at the Registrar’s Office during normal office hours. A 100 percent credit is given for dropped courses. Check your current balance online (through myUSI) by going to TouchNet. Pay online or visit the Bursar’s Office to settle your account by the bill due date.
USI has partnered with TouchNet to offer an online billing and payment system. Students and authorized users will receive an email notification that the eStatement is available online. Students also can view their account summary online via myUSI ( Students must complete one of the following by the due date:
- Pay amount due: either A) use TouchNet to pay online by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover; a convenience fee of 2.75 percent of the bill will be charged when paying by credit card); B) pay by electronic transfer from a U.S. checking or savings account; or C) remit payment to the Bursar’s Office by cash, check, or money order.
- Enroll in a payment plan: Use TouchNet to enroll in an interest free payment plan by the bill due date. The payment plan divides a student’s tuition, fees, resident housing, and books (if charged to the student’s account) into monthly installments. There is a $35 non-refundable enrollment fee to enroll in the payment plan.
- If your financial aid displayed on your bill exceeds your total charges, no action is required.
Billing statements are generated on or after the 10th of each month and due to the Bursar’s Office by the 25th of the month. For questions about billing and payments, visit or contact the Bursar’s Office; Orr Center lower level; 812-464-1842 or 800-467-1965 (option #4); email
Late Registration for Spring 2019
Late Registration begins on the first day of the semester/term.
It is strongly recommended that you register during the published dates of priority registration or during the open registration period. However, if extenuating circumstances prevent you from doing so, you may be allowed to register online during the week of January 7-11. Students should first meet with their academic advisor before registering. Contact the department of your major to inquire about office hours, advisor availability, and to schedule an appointment. If you’re unable to meet during regular office hours, please inquire about alternative advising options. Once advised, log on to myUSI to register for classes.
Students allowed to late register during the 100% refund period of a course will be assessed a $50 late registration fee. After completing the late registration process online through myUSI, go to TouchNet to view your balance and pay fees.
Only in exceptional circumstances will a student be allowed to late register after the 100% refund period of a course. Any registration taking place after that time requires the completion of a late registration form (with signatures of approval) and will incur a $150 late registration fee. After completing the late registration process, log on to myUSI and select TouchNet to view your balance and pay fees.
Transactions must be completed by 4:30 p.m. (Central Time) on the final
day of any registration, add/drop, withdrawal, or refund period.