2011-2013 Undergradate & Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED PUBLICATION]
Center For Interdisciplinary Studies
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The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies houses the majors and minors and other academic programs of interdisciplinary nature, including the International Studies Major, Classical Studies Minor, Gender Studies Minor, Humanities, and LIBA. Courses belonging to interdisciplinary majors, minors, and other programs may be drawn from various departments in Liberal Arts, such as LATN 101 - Beginning Latin I , HIST 341 - Ancient Greece to Alexander , or have interdisciplinary designations such as HUM 211 - The Western Tradition in the Humanities I , INST 101 - Introduction to International Studies , GNDR 111 - Intro to Gender Studies , or LIBA 497 - Capstone Studies . In addition to fulfilling requirements of the major and minor programs housed in the Center, interdisciplinary courses may fulfill University Core Curriculum courses such as HUM 211 (C4: Western Culture), GNDR 111 (C2: Individual Development/Social Behavior), INST 213 (C5 Global Communities), and LIBA 497 (D Synthesis).
Following certain course descriptions are the designations: F, Sp, Su. These indicate the semesters fall, spring, summer in which the course is normally offered and are intended as an aid to students planning their programs of study.
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